Monday, June 13, 2011

Go to: and read the box halfway down the page where it says "vs. Pyro-Twin"

Then read this:

Transcending the planes has never been a problem for me. I get this feeling as I shift between planes, weightlessness; I become one with the energies around me. So many worlds, each plane is its own universe with its own unique aura; I can travel between them so they call me a planeswalker.

My first encounter with another of my kind was a terrifying at the least. I had only experimented with my powers up to this point, I had a book of spells given to me by the elders of my village, but I had never once manned up and used it.

He came from the west, the towering sun raining down indecision and uncertainness upon me as I glared in his direction. He made his intentions clear, but if I fought him I would surely die, and if I ran there was no place in existence he couldn’t follow me.

I wasn’t ready to fight another planeswalker; I had only heard stories of what I was supposedly able to do, and it more then slightly varied from what I could do.

He made the choice for me. I watched carefully as he drew power from the land, taking its natural energy and chanting an inscription from his leather-bound tome. He absorbed the energy straight through his eyes, and they glowed with the power of knowledge. He looked straight through me, as if he had preordained the already obvious outcome of our ensuing battle.

Realizing that I would have to act fast before he could recover from his previous spell, I opened up my book and searched for something to use against him. I poured through the volume and found a suitable summon, an elf, whose blades glistened with an infectious poison I could use to finish off my opponent faster then with any normal strike. I attempted in a similar manner to that of my opponent to drag power out of the land around me, but no matter how hard I tried I could barely harness a handful. It was gong to have to be enough, chanting the incantation and focusing on the ground before me, I released the energy. The energy took shape, morphing itself to my will, heading my direction until the elf stood before me, an animated form of my thoughts, ready to fight on my behalf. Too physically drained to continue I balanced myself against a near by tree and looked up. I saw my opponent ready himself, less confident then before, but in his endless glare I could see a spark of power, ready to be unleashed.

He read a few pages from his book, but made no attempt to draw energy, he seemed to be waiting for me to make my next move.

I looked at my array of spells, and readied a few of them just in case, this may have been my first time but I knew I had a nasty surprise in store for this guy. I decided my best course of action was to send my elf to attack him, and as soon as the thought cemented itself in my conscious mind the elf took off full speed at my opponent.

It was a trap; he quickly drew energy and formed a storm above my elf, sending down a lethal bolt of electricity. I was prepared; already drawing energy myself I brought forth a powerful spell onto my elf and he grew to giant proportions, 10 feet taller then before. The lightning bolt struck home, but the elf was to powerful to be taken down, and continued his charge at my opponent, whose confidence had turned to pure fear. I charged up even more energy and summoned the land itself to aid my elf’s assault, swelling and forming it around him. I knew that this would be my chance to end it, but I didn’t have the stamina to draw more energy from the land. My only chance was to use a darker spell from the back of my book; it required something much more valuable then the energy, my life-force. I siphoned my life force as I chanted the final incantation, and then channeled it straight into my colossal elf. Closing the last few strides, my omnipotent elf laid one decisive killing blow in my opponent’s back, who had turned and ran in cowardly disgrace.

Battle hardened and experienced I planeswalked away, never looking back.